Twain and Abel. A brand about everything and nothing from a restaurateur farming duo who dream it, then do it (but not always successfully). We've got a couple of (super cute, although we're biased) kids and a whole gaggle of freeloading animals.
Our Story
It all started one day when we realized the business instagram for our restaurant was full of basically everything but - and even more surprising that people didn’t hate it - we figured why not make it official and put a name to what we do when we’re not restaurant-ing.

Who We Are
We live in a small house on a little bit of land in Delaware where love and chaos reign supreme. We are drawn to doing things the slow way and find a deep sense of fulfillment when we learn new skills, honor old traditions, and show our tiny humans that not everything in life is measured by going faster and doing more.
But What The H*ll
Do You Actually Do?
Currently, we own the bad-assest little restaurant in Fenwick Island and are still getting used to the fact that we don’t have to work 20 hours a day like we did for the first handful of years. So now we fill in our days with things that we loved pre-restaurant life or things we’ve come to find out we love because of restaurant life. WE ALSO LIVE ON A FARM SO THERE'S THAT TOO.
Meet Scott
CARLIE ON SCOTT: SCOTT The heartbeat of our family (and “the fun one” if you ask Eamer Twain), Scott is the hard work behind our successes; farm, restaurant, homestead. He is the one who keeps the fire stoked in the winter, the animals watered in the summer, and all of us safe and happy in the seasons between. He’s a waterman, a farmer, and the best type of human; his moral compass is straight and true and if he says something - which is rare - he means it. He raises all of our animals with pride and a humble heart; a true steward of the land who believes it’s a privilege to eat the heritage pork we raise ourselves and the vegetables we spend months tending. In his previous life he was a damn good painter, and may still accept the occasional job if you ask nicely. He can usually be found outside, taking care of the animals, fixing something that’s broken, building something that needs building, playing with the kids, or trying to keep Kevin, our girl turkey, from riding on his shoulder. On his to-do list? Build a brick oven, buy a smoker, and drive to Eventide for a lobster roll.
SCOTT ON CARLIE: Carlie is the rock of our family. With her creative style and electric energy, it's easy to see why people are drawn to her. Whether it's baking cakes, icing fancy cookies, embroidering God only knows what for her many social media people, or putting out constant fires at the restaurant, Carlie does it all to the max. Not a moment is wasted. Our days start early, and thankfully end a lot earlier now too, but they are all full. Carlie appreciates life more than anyone; she is always ready for an adventure. She is tougher than hell and she is my best friend and farm partner. The last eight years of Carlie's life have been devoted to the success of One Coastal restaurant. Over that period of time there have been too many personal sacrifices to mention and more drama than anyone can possibly imagine - and we are glad that One Coastal now runs like the well-oiled machine it was meant to be.There is no doubt that the best Carlie is yet to come, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
Our best farm girl and partner-in-crime! Like most toddlers, she's sweet and sour, depending on the minute. She's yelled across the classroom I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH MOM while giving me an air high five...and she's yelled across the house that I "ruined her life" for throwing away her booger. (Yes, from her nose.) No matter what mood she's in, she's one of the most special kids I've ever met - loves Mother Nature and ALL her creatures (even the creepy crawly ones, but especially the squishy furry ones), always jumps in to help me bake treats, and is already growing into a human I'm proud to know. Being her mom is my greatest privilege and raising her as a farm kid is the Icing on the cake! When asked what she wants to be when she grows up? An alien eating mac + cheese.
What to say about a little dude who's just shy of his first birthday? He's definitely the yin to his sister's yang. As mellow as a summer day is long, and sweet to boot. One of his hips was loosey-goosey when he was born (because he was sideways while I grew him, but no one reallyyyy knows for how long - that's a story for another time!) so he spent his first couple months in a Pavlik harness. You'd never know it to look at him now; he army crawls around the house faster than I can move when there's a cinnamon roll on the line. Nickname: Squid (it just fits, even though his middle name is Sebastian solely because Scott wanted to call him Seabass. What? We're weird, I tried to warn you.)
We started farming 8 years ago when we started the restaurant simply because we were broke. We didn't have much time, but we sure as hell didn't have any money. Back then, it was whatever veggie or herb we needed/wanted for the restaurant, and 2 dogs (1 each, because we're fair like that). Fast forward to now and we've got lots of dogs, cats, chickens, alpacas, pigs, a solo duck and one turkey (who is pretty much a stalker). We've had bees - twice, a flock sheep - all pregnant, fainting goats, geese, too many ducks to count, a couple of mini-horses, and a rescue donkey. Plus herbs, berries, and a veggie or two. Farming is nothing if not humbling and we've learned some beautiful - and heartbreaking - lessons along the way.




guinea hog piglets



kune kune pigs




the ducks


twinkletoes + smokey

silkey chicken